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Welcome to NEW1 MGMT! And Thank you for choosing our Agency for your representation.

Please take 5 minutes to read carefully the rules. If you don’t understand anything, please ask for help.




  1. The agency is open from 10 am to 6.00 pm, from Monday to Friday except for a lunch break between 1 pm and 2 pm. Please watch the time before coming to the agency, if you arrive too close to lunchtime we will not be able to help you properly.

  2. This is not a smoking agency, smoking and eating are not allowed in any area of the agency (even in the toilets).

  3. When you call the agency, call only on the agency’s number (written below) and not your booker’s mobile, except for emergencies when the agency is closed. (022-46029064)

  4. You should always have an identification card (or passport) with you.

  5. While being under an exclusive model agreement with Anon Models, you are not allowed to follow any other modeling agency in the same market and territory.


YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO THE AGENCY, BUT PLEASE DON’T FORGET THIS IS A WORKING PLACE. SO PLEASE TRY TO KEEP SILENCE AND MAINTAIN ORDER AND CLEANLINESS IN THE AGENCY (Don’t leave plastic cups everywhere, don’t take magazines if not permitted, don’t throw cigarettes in front of the entrance, etc.)




  1. Please have pen & paper always with you.

  2. Always go to castings with clean hair, nails, skin, and teeth, and always be well dressed. Always have clean underwear on. Do not forget to use underarm deodorant.

  3. Be punctual at the appointments and castings!

  4.  When you have more castings at the same time, check with your booker for specific priorities. If you cannot attend a casting for any reason or you’re going to be late, you have to inform your booker Immediately, as it might be rescheduled.

  5. Always have your personal book PRINT OR DIGITAL.

  6. If a client tells you that his casting is for a booking involving nudity or semi-nudity or is willing to change your color or haircut and you have not been told by the agency to call your booker a.s.a.p.




  1. If you don’t inform your booker to book you out on a specific date, we will consider you available for bookings and the agency will take options and confirmations without checking if you are available.

  2. This includes Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, and long weekends. It’s always your responsibility to inform the agency in advance if you want to be booked out.

  3. If any client would ask for your availability don’t take personal agreements and kindly ask them to call the agency.

  4. Never be late for jobs: being on time means “to be professional”. If you arrive late to a job the client might decide to charge a penalty because of that, this penalty will be charged on your percentage.

  5. During a job please do not make any personal phone calls or messages.

  6. Never sign any contract on a set. If you’re asked to do so, kindly ask the client to call your agency right away before signing anything.

  7. Please make sure about getting all the instructions you need for a job and if you’re not sure, it’s better to ask your agent again instead of arriving late on set!

  8. Never discuss your rate with any client or anyone on set (not even other models). In case of pressure from the client, call your agency.

  9. If your booker informs you that, during a job, you might have some expenses (taxi, train, food...), remember to bring all receipts to the agency, in order to be reimbursed. No receipts = no money back.

  10. You are kindly requested not to disclose any information relating to castings to any other people or other models.




  1. If you got a haircut without informing the agency: 20,000 INR

  2. If you got hair color or bleach without informing the agency: 10,000 INR

  3. If you got Tattoo without informing the agency: 100,000 INR

  4. If you left the city for any reason, without informing your agent: 15,000 INR

  5. Missing casting more than 5 times: 10,000 INR

  6. If you do not acknowledge the important email or messages by your agent: 5,000 INR

  7. If you miss a confirmed job: the penalty will be equal to the amount of the job.

  8. Sharing personal details with the client or team, such as number or email: 50,000 INR

  9. Getting late more than 3 times to the agency for the meeting or to the casting: 5,000 INR

  10. Attending the castings not inappropriate dressing: 5,000 INR



We believe, all together we will follow the rules of the agency and create a professional environment.

Thank you for your attention!

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